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Taiyo 部分產(chǎn)品的停產(chǎn)通知

Information Bulletin

 Product Group: Actuators Valves FRL Fluidics Electro mechanical Other Products Title: 

TAIYO Division – Pneumatic 2 Business Unit (Former KPL) Product Obsolescence Annouce

 Catalogue: (In Progress) Date of Issue: February 2, 2022 Bulletin No: IBL_TYO_PNU2_220202 TAIYO Division – Pneumatic 2 Business Unit (Former KPL) Product Obsolescence Announce We would announce that Pneumatic 2 Business Unit of TAIYO Division (Former KPL = KURODA Pnaumatics) will stop supplying the following product series, due to the market demand decline and request from our supplier. We will receive the final purchase orders of these series till February 24, 2022. 

 [Obsolete Series] 

 Rotary Table TRP/TRPJ/TSR/TSRJ Series 

 Rotary Actuator RPC/RPM/SRP Series 

 Air Cylinder Z3 Series

 MU-Table KPT Series 


 *** Refer to The Part “O”-Marked in Line M of The Attached Price List *** 

 These series will not be supplied thru our division with Parker part number and label, but most of the actual parts are still manufactured by our original Japanese supplier “New-Era Co., Ltd.” (URL: https://www.newera.co.jp/en/) After obsolescence, please contact them directly if necessary. 

 We would also appreciate if you could kindly accept these measures and cooperate with business growth together continuously from now on. 

 Yours Sincerely, 

 Takanari Kadoya 

 Division Pricing Administrator 

 Parker Hannifin Corporation 

 Motion Systems Group 

 TAIYO Ltd. (Division 450) 

 OEC Representative Email Address: taiyo.japan.support@support.parker.com URL: http://www.taiyo-ltd.co.jp/kpl_en/

Takanari Kadoya